Our award-winning team crafts compelling videos that differentiate your law firm

and attract high-quality clients.

Why Settle for Ordinary When You Can Be Extraordinary?

In the courtroom, every word counts. In the market, every image does. In a world full of lawyers, be the one that STANDS OUT, the one they remember.

We understand the unique pressures and challenges you face as a law firm trying to stand out in a saturated market. That’s why at Story First Films, we empower law firms to rise above the competition through story-driven, cinematic videos.

By humanizing your firm, our videos foster trust with your audience, leading to higher-quality clients and increased case values.

Our name reflects our commitment to prioritizing your story, even when you might not think you have one.

With Story First Films, you’re not just another law firm. You’re a story worth telling.

Experience the Story First Difference

Our cinematic, story-driven videos offer a range of benefits tailored specifically for law firms.


Our cinematic, story-driven videos help your law firm stand out in a crowded market, making a powerful first impression on potential clients.


Our videos tell your story in a compelling way that resonates with high-quality clients, helping you attract more of the clients you want.


By showcasing your expertise and success, our videos can help you increase your case values, leading to more profitable outcomes.


Our professional, high-quality videos help build trust and credibility with your audience, fostering stronger relationships with your clients.


We handle every aspect of the video production process, saving you time and effort that you can spend on what you do best – practicing law.


If our cinematic, story-driven videos don’t meet your expectations, we’ll revise them until they do or offer you a full refund.

Your Success Is Our Story

At Story First Films, we believe in the power of narrative. Unlike larger, impersonal production companies, our boutique team is dedicated to crafting world-class videos that not only tell your law firm’s story but bring it to life in a way that resonates with your audience.

We work exclusively with ambitious firms that are ready to stand out in a crowded market. Our commitment to quality is so strong that we guarantee the caliber of our work. But we don’t stop at creating the best law firm videos in the country. We also have a world-class marketing team that’s focused on one thing: driving results for our clients.

When you choose Story First Films, you’re not just getting a video – you’re getting a partner in your success.

Trusted By Leading Law Firms Nationwide

Experience You Need, Results You Want

Dive into Our Suite of Video Services Below and Uncover the Unique Benefits Each Can Deliver to Elevate Your Law Firm’s Image and Success.


Our flagship Brand Video is designed to be the centerpiece of your website, providing an engaging and compelling introduction to your law firm.

Featuring testimonials for added social proof, our Brand Video not only showcases your firm’s expertise and success, but also tells your unique story in a way that resonates with potential clients.

  • Provides a compelling introduction to your law firm
  • Showcases your firm's expertise and success
  • Features testimonials for added social proof
  • Tells your unique story in a way that resonates with potential clients


Our Attorney Profile Videos are designed to humanize and highlight the unique personal stories of your attorneys.

By showcasing their journey, expertise, and dedication, we help potential clients connect with your attorneys on a deeper level, fostering trust and rapport.

  • Humanizes your attorneys, making them more relatable to potential clients
  • Showcases the unique personal stories and journeys of your attorneys
  • Highlights the dedication and commitment your attorneys have towards your clients
  • Allows potential clients to form a personal connection prior to meeting


Our Testimonial Videos tell the stories of your clients and their incredible experiences with your firm.

By showcasing real-life success stories, we help build trust and credibility, demonstrating to potential clients the positive outcomes they can expect when they choose your firm.

  • Tells the stories of your clients and their experiences with your firm
  • Showcases real-life success stories, building trust and credibility
  • Demonstrates the positive outcomes potential clients can expect
  • Helps potential clients visualize their own success with your firm


Our Practice Area Videos provide detailed insights into the specific areas of law your firm handles.

By showcasing your firm’s expertise and why you are the obvious choice for these practice areas, we help engage audiences who may not know how your firm can assist with their case.

  • Provides detailed insights into your firm's specific practice areas
  • Showcases your firm's expertise and why you're the obvious choice for these areas
  • Engages audiences who may not know how your firm can assist with their case
  • Helps establish your firm as an authority in your practice areas


Our FAQ Videos answer keyword-researched frequently asked questions, providing valuable information to your audience.

By addressing common queries and concerns, we help build trust and establish your firm as an authority in your field.

  • Answers keyword-researched frequently asked questions
  • Provides valuable information to your audience
  • Addresses common queries and concerns, building trust
  • Helps establish your firm as an authority in your field

Ready to Unlock the Power of Cinematic Storytelling for Your Law Firm?

Schedule Your FREE No-Obligation Consultation Today and Discover How Our Videos Can Transform Your Firm’s Image and Help You Attract Better Clients.

In this no-obligation consultation, we’ll dive deep into your firm’s unique needs and challenges. This is a no-pressure, non-salesy meeting where we focus on understanding your goals and exploring how our proven ‘Story First Blueprint’ can help set your law firm apart. Here’s what you’ll get:

Personalized Attention: We’ll discuss your firm’s unique needs and challenges, ensuring we understand your goals and how to achieve them.

Expert Advice: Learn about our satisfaction guarantee and our commitment to delivering top-tier, cinematic video services.

Insight into Our Process: Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we create our story-driven videos and how they can transform your firm’s image.

Actionable Takeaways: Walk away with actionable insights and strategies that you can implement immediately to make your brand STAND OUT.

No Pressure, No Sales Pitch: This is a chance for us to get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit. We only work with firms that we believe we can truly help, so there’s no pressure to commit.